Are you a fan of unusual food? If you are passionate about simple gourmet delicacies and if you are looking for the best place to try a lot of them out, our warmest recommendation is Vietnam. Bite by bite and you will be a fan of weird food especially if you find out what you are eating after you are done!
Let’s see what Vietnam has to offer! The most famous dish of them all is rice noodle soup. With a couple of simple ingredients and unique spices, they created a bowl of heartwarming soup which makes you feel like at home. You can choose your noodle soup to be spicy, sweet or salty or even a combination of those three. Yes, that is how open the Vietnamese are.
Who said snacking is not healthy? In almost every part of Vietnam close to the seashore, you can find a truly unusual snack-snails. Yup, those slimy little creatures represent a big source of proteins and you can find them cooked, fried or the most unusual sort which is raw. Pair them up with cold beer and you got yourself a great story to tell when you come back home.
Spring rolls happen to be an inevitable order when we get take out from our favorite Asian restaurant. How would you like to try original crunchy spring rolls on the streets of Hanoi or any other Vietnamese city? They are filled with meat, local vegetables or even sweets in some areas! If your cook is friendly, you might even get a recipe!
Moving on to desserts and sweets! Is your sweet tooth causing you trouble when you are on vacation? Worry not since in Vietnam there are sweet dishes everywhere. Chè is a word of many meanings and it comes in different shapes, packages, and sizes. Fruity, sugary or even chocolate it is up to you. Just make sure not to miss them while in Vietnam.
Street food in Vietnam is more popular than any restaurant. They have been working on improving the quality and uniqueness of all dishes and nowadays it seems like Asian cooks did a very good job! When it comes to the meat they often use pork and vegetables are a must. Many local farms grew their cabbages, salads and other veggies so it is mostly homegrown. Vegetarians can also enjoy many different salads. We tried one with papaya and we have to say, it stole our hearts.
If you came across this article and you feel like there is a dish that deserves to be in it, we would be thrilled to hear about it. Heck, we would also like to try it so don’t be shy and send us an invitation to a Vietnamese street food night and we shall bring a nice bottle of wine to pair it with!